Inspirational poems about life

The battle of better life has just begun with your search for inspiration.
This is just the start rest will follow with smart work and perspiration.
You need the push and drive to forward, don't settle for second place.
Winners are made of a different mantel, they prepare, strike and ace!
~ Rae Jenkins - Inspirational poems about life
Inspirational poems about life
Inspirational poems about life
I don't wish you a safe journey because I want you to experience adventure.
Go fearless everywhere you go, as if you are sure to have excitement in the venture.
No matter where you go, live it large don't forget to carry a smile with you.
Life is a
journey and should be lived with excitement, that's the best way through.
~ Matthew Patterson

Inspirational poems about life

When I have left this planet, I wish to have no regrets.
I want to be a happy man who wins almost every bet.
That may sound too ambitious, almost like fiction article.
But I have learnt to aim for the stars, nothing is impossible.
~ Miguel Lobster

The secret to making it big is be either first, biggest or largest.
It may not be the easiest thing but trust success, its worth it.
Because once you make it to the top the view is matchless.
The satisfaction of making it big, almost always feels priceless.
~ Ronnie Elves

I speak inspiration, not just stories to make you feel good.
They are treasures if you follow them, succeed like you should.
Time is of essence and things are fast to change.
Keep pressing forward even though hard work may feel strange.
~ Montana Lewis

Through all the problems and the journeys, I have learnt few things.
Always keep wisdom by your side, courage and bravery too.
These are weapons that can turn anything around, even big problems.
Victory belongs to the wise who make mistakes and learn from them.
~ James Harelip

Don't underestimate the power of a song to inspire your day.
Don't brush off a dream because it could change your life.
Let no person be discriminated, they could lead you to destiny.
Even a single vote can boot out a CEO of a company.
One step could lead you closer to liberty
A kind word could change a persons life forever.
Single mothers too can change their children's lives.
An encounter with love could break that addiction.
For nothing is too small and revolutions start with one person.
You can never know which day and which way will change your life forever.
~ Jay Inspire

I have made through the battles of life,
Waded through the shadows and strife.
I have cut all problems like a victors knife.
That is how I made it big in life!
~ Nil Pins-worth

Next Page: Poems about life struggles

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