Poems about life and death

Though they have passed away into the world we do not know,
they will always be etched in our memories with all love we can show.
It is difficult for us to bear the fact that they are no more here.
We will always be grateful for life, even through death and tears.
~ John Stan (Poems about life and death)

What is man but a breathe of air? A day here today and a day there tomorrow.
Who are we to
boast about things that do not last. It all ends one day in sorrow.
The days that they were with us were the days we may never forget.
Even though they it feel like they left too soon, for this life my heart feels no regret.
~ Chin Chan

Poems about life and death

The demon of death, don't you be proud of the things you do.
You make them teary, you make them weary, this is nothing new.
They fall for it, they perish away, why do you do it again?
Life they lived, the castles they made, why do you make them vain?
You may feel your victory is thorough and you charm has won.
Why do you not see that you cannot wipe us all at once?
The mother is alone, her only child lays dead, there is nothing she can do,
oh death why did you lay your hands on a child that's as pure as dew?
~ Kelly Row

Their lives are gone and they know no pain, the journey is complete.
When they were alive and they were young they were loving like a heart beat.
Now times have changed, years have passed, what is left for you now?
Will you regret the days you lived or will you change somehow.
~ Morgan Justice

Steadily as the days pass by and the memories fade,
the tears are drying up and thoughts are going away.
But don't you think for a second that they have left our hearts.
Though they have left this planet, memories will never go apart.
~ Janet Lice
The loss we feel is only temporary, we all have to pass some day.
It may not seem to be the best thing now, but that is the only way.
For people have tried to live forever, not one did yet succeed.
A seed must die unto itself for a tree to grow in deed.
~ Tan Rim

Don't let them convince you that your loved ones have died.
Its not really the truth if you think, no matter how hard they try.
They have just transitioned into a new phase of their being.
Someday we will know what it is, don't you worry for anything.
~ Emily Tess

Next Page: Sad Poems about life

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