Sad poems about life

Here again I've added fictitious names to my original poems. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did.

Life is a garden they said where you can build your own dreams.
But all I see is nightmares gasping for breathe when I scream.
How can you have peace when your mind has a thousand creases?
and how can you mend a heart which is shattered into million pieces?
~ Fred Nimby
Sad poems about life
Sad poems about life
I was trying to get up but then I was given another blow.
Kicking me down and stunting me whenever I tried to grow.
Feelings mean nothing anymore when you are numb.
You can't hear love when heart breaks have made you dumb.
~ Ross Heck

Looking at my face in the mirror, it says
I still have a chance.
But when I walk out the door, they shatter with the first glance.
No matter how bad I have been, I deserve to start anew.
But no one who can hear my voice, darkness has wretched me through.
~ Moro Toque

I was the apple of their eyes, now I am an outcast.
They used to love me before, now I am a sad past.
Even a breathe is difficult in this harsh breeze.
Because tears cannot bring them back nor can apologies.
~ Billy En

Hurting and crying I have tried to make things change.
But the harder I try, the more I feel deranged.
I have tried to escape this life and run far away from here.
But sadness loves me too much and panic is always near.
~ Torque Toreador

Why did I even trust you at the start?
Why did I not know that it will all fall apart?
I have never been so miserable ever before.
I wish I could run away, escape out this door.
~ Gem Raquel

No matter how hard it gets sadness will have to depart.
I know I have not lived yet fat, to disintegrate and fall apart.
No matter who is against me or how bad the situation gets.
I will make it through this season, I will pass all the tests.
~ Ola Murdoch

Sometimes I wonder why and wish I was never born at all,
I wish I could pass away and not have to deal with this fall.
There seems to be no answer and lights are fading into darkness.
I am flapping my hands trying to swim up but drowning in sadness.
~ Kingston Merchant

Dealing with sadness
Its the toughest phase in life when a close friend leaves or the situation turns hopeless. But then we need to realize that focusing on negative things will never get us to good. We need to refocus but its very difficult. It could take a lot of time and trying. It could take all the strength left in you, but you will make it through. The Sun is still shining behind the clouds, I promise. Its still a good day and though you may not be able to see it, you will be happy once again.
You only need to try it one day at a time. Tell yourself that this situation is about to pass and not stay. You will see the results and just like every difficulty since childhood, you will make it  through.

Next Page: Poems about life and death


  1. by the time you walk in i see you as though you also see me i can think is what happened to us why are we so seperated? why should we be in hate? why the evilness? i probably know why its probably cause you dont love me as the moment you gave birth to me i trusted you and all you did is break it all you do is break you dont give a fuck at all but all i know your still gonna be my mom
    ----Natalie Yoder

  2. these poems are the truth to life

  3. Awesome poems. I can totally relate with each of d poems. Dey r so meaning ful ty

  4. These poem r true nd real
