Short poems about life

I've added fictional names to add credibility to my original work. I see that happening everywhere on the blog spere for poems.

1. We may not know where we came from,
we may not know why our hearts beat.
But only if we live our life together in love,
our destinies will be complete.
~ Short poems about life
Short poems about life
Short poems about life
Moral: Love is the best way to deal with life. Life may not always be pleasant but love makes it better.

2. Great experiences should
be valued like silver,
every day is as precious as a box of gold.
If we only lived in this moment and made the most of it,
we would experience joy, peace and love untold.
~ Raphael Notch

Thought: Its easy to worry about tomorrow and regret yesterdays. Make the most of today and live life in the present to live happy and succeed.

3. There are many things in and around you that you know of,
several qualities within you that
are unknown to you.
Life is too short to live with a treasure undiscovered.
Let them all be found, lest they disappear like the morning dew.
~ Jean Catherine

Short poems about life

Learning: Don't you leave this planet with qualities and talent buried inside of you. Find them and make full use of them not only for yourself but for others too.

4. She said, "How I wish, those good days would stay forever."
The wise sage spoke, "Your words don't sound too clever."
The girl was perplexed and asked the question why?
Life is dynamic, its about seasons and change, he replied.
~ John Cal do

Discussion: Its not about living constantly happy, but knowing all feelings and choosing the best one among them. If you are always experiencing one feeling it would be boring. Spice is in variety.

5. Don't care what nay Sayers say,
They can only hate all day.
Life may not be roses on bed.
That should not get you scared.
~ Jim Tapestry

Advice: Worrying about what others think about you will only lead you to get angry and unhappy. Don't give up your peace in someone else's hands. You are answerable to your own conscience and God.

6. Life is not just the hours spent awake its also about the dreams,
Living a life of happiness, peace and love should be the real deal.
Never the less keep striving forward and don't give up anytime.
Victory is near, all is well, you just need to focus on the positive sign.
~ Tom Hymen

Talk: Giving up is not an option. There are too many people who come close to their destiny and loose it because they quit too soon. Don't let that be you.

7. Live your life excited, let no day go without having passion.
Let go of hurt and invite love, forgive haters with compassion.
Time is short and its already passing by, there is nothing to stop.
Let your mind soar higher everyday until its success o' clock.
~ Shawn Epson

Passion: It is important to have enthusiasm in whatever you do. Life is in the little moments and you need to make sure that you make the most of each moment every day. Don't do things that drag you. even if you have to, make sure that you always on the look out to run for things that you truly love and are good.

8. Life is full of ups and downs, its about happy and bumpy rides.
Let's make sure we have it under control to make it through the tides.
It may not always be the best way but together we will make it through.
Love is beautiful when you have family, friends and find love so true.
~ Laura Clinton

Excitement: Without genuine excitement, wouldn't life be plain and boring? Look around and see. Most people who are successful like what they do. Life is too short to be dragging and doing things that you don't like.

9. Life as we know it keeps going on and is changing every day.
We can choose to stay the same or steadily change our way.
It rains, it snows and is hot sometimes, life is in the seasons.
For all of us much progress and perish one day for a reason.
~ Donna Kids

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  1. life makes us happy life makes us sad !
    but nothing is bad ,everything is good ,
    we should understood!

  2. Life is meaningless without God. Trust no friends,be courageous and be strong and be blessed.

  3. Life portrays a vivid image
    Alive,big, short, or so different
    Every opportunity given,We miss it
    That is why we pass that chance to our children
    -J.P. Galvez

  4. Never take your life for granted

  5. I have not learned what sadness is yet
    Yet i have lived in so much pain
    As these days have past
    how lonely it has been

    Ever Since
    i past the chances i was given
    what were the chances, is that what you ask?
    Well i can not say
    as the answer
    was forgotten

  6. Sooo live full to read it...i think we are on earth to live en enjoy our selfs ..because we didnt know when god calls us..soo enjoy du al the thing you like except the negatieve things..that i use to think

  7. We all have dreams that we dream , somewhat can come true , we wish upon a shooting star , see through the bright shinning light , know one gives us rules on how life is. We live and learn our way , never look back never hold regrets , look forward think of your life as a pen gradually runs out with age . Correct your wrongs make your dreams in reality


  8. Sometime life make a very happy , but remember that happiest part of your life which make you very happy .

  9. Soon this life on earth is past
    Only what's done for God will last.

    Help someone today!!

  10. what you make it.your,re dreams is what you compliese. Aim high you never know what you can do unless you try it.

  11. We thought each day our last day so enjoy the every moment of life bcoz life is a beautiful gift of God

  12. life is simply time. life is our time to decompose and be created into soil, and for our soul to die aswell.

  13. life is a precious gift from god .we must love it no matter how much pain it can begins and life ends.we all like it when life begins but we have to ask why life has to end.

  14. Life is endless only in God. Life came from Him and returns the same way.

  15. For all suffering from depression your not alone. Each of us have different ingredients but it's the same taste for all
