Sickbed and death Poems

The blessing of a sickbed

Some might say that God is cruel
If someone that was faithful for so long
Suffers for so long before passing on
In fact the opposite is true
A soul that is defiled by sin
Cannot enter heaven without being cleansed
Pain and suffering are lovingly implemented
To purify and to make the soul worthy
Had this not been done before its passing
Funeral Poems
Funeral Poems
The soul would have been lost forever

A sickbeds prohibits sin and allows cleansing
God’s concern is not with the flesh

A sickbed is a blessing in disguise
The opportunity is there to make amends
Prison saves society from evil doers
A sickbed saves the soul from eternal death
The way is open to proceed with absolution
If you cannot overcome your own adversities
You cannot expect to be an overcomer
It’s easy to submit to the will of the Father
When it brings us joy peace and makes us courageous
The difficulty is to acquiesce when he sends us ill health
 We must learn to interpret the values of suffering
The meaning of failure the significance of shame

Dying day funeral poems
This is dedicated to a Doctor by Anthony Villette
Although we met fleetingly
Afore you entered a world of sublime peace
You became my medical icon
Your unique achievement towards pre-imminence
Created by your personal genius
So profoundly so pontifically
Blended you most outstanding ever
You evolved as an exceptional person
When fate removes a great man
Mankind explore the horizon for a successor

But none come and none ever will
For your class is extinguished
Your strict methods of inquiry
Brought into the orbit of my experience
Made me strove for that same discovery that excellence
As I search the magnetic powers of my supernatural archives
You deposited wisdom and psychological knowledge at its perihelion
Remembered for your brilliant and innovative mind
A self-torturing ascetic of an ignorant man
Not taken with your departure.
~ Both these poems have been written by Anthony Villette

Next Page: Poems about life struggles

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