Sister Poems

Here are some sister poems. We have poems for elder and younger sister so you can send one on any occasion.

1. You are my sweetest friend and I love you to bits.
You are always there in losses and during my wins.
I cannot ever imagine, what your absence would be,
I don't know what I would do without you beside me.
Sister Poems
Sister Poems
2. When you are not around, I wish you would return back soon.
Without you, sun's power fades away & there's no beauty in the moon.
I miss you more than you will ever know and more than you can feel.
I know you are looking down from heaven and still love me a great deal.

Sister Poems

3. You are a wish that came true even before I was born.
Being my elder sister, you pampered me like a princess.
I remember how
you supported me feel when I failed.
Even in the toughest times, your love prevailed.

4. I have been bad to you sometimes, yet you have been kind.
You have forgiven my mistakes and overlooked my crimes.
No matter what the circumstance, your love is always bigger
and even if I am born again, I hope I get you as my sister.

5. We have spent so many times and moments of bliss.
Good times of fun and excitement with my lovely little sis.
Times when I have been sad and times when I have missed her
No matter what the future holds, she will always be my favorite sister.

6. Some bonds are strong while others are weaklings
some are silent while others need a lot of speaking.
I have so many relations, but special ones are just few.
The best one of all is the one that I share with you!

7. I remember times when you got shouted because of me.
You took the pains and you were always there to see.
When I needed you sometimes, you stayed up all night.
Even when we disagreed, you put away the fights.
I just want to say thank you for everything you do.
So many years have passed and I know that your love is true.

8. I remember when I had troubles and sorrows untold,
you were my pillar of strength, you were always so bold.
You took care of me as only a sister would have done.
Took away all my pain and sorrows I had none.

9. My boring life becomes lively when you are in it.
On birthdays people wish me, but you make sure to sing it.
With you there is so much of laughter, there is so much fun.
If happiness was a batch of bullets, you would be the gun.

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