Sad depressing poems


Is this how dreams die,
Not with a scream, but a sigh?
Replaying the same record seems all there is,
Sipping warm soda without any fizz.
Sad and unhappy poems
Like a tree that’s lost its leaves
But still won’t die,
Or a bird that still sings
But cannot fly.

A life full of didn’ts can poison one’s well,
Filling it with a bitterness that’s
hard to quell.
Anger arises, but has no outlet.
When hope arrives, you tend to doubt it.

If you let key moments pass,
Failing to leap through the looking glass,
Regret will throb at what could have been,
For a blown opportunity is the most lasting sin.

If I had more time,
Could I really change?
Or would more mistakes rhyme,
With myself still to blame?

Was it even plausible to expect any different?
Can a change of personality be so flippant?
Does it help to rationalize?
To justify missing the prize?

When is it too late to renew a chance past due
And accept it was my choice, too?
Though I did what I wanted,
How now I am haunted.

What an acute sense of loss,
With most of the journey done,
Fearing you’ve grown too much moss
And there’s not enough sun.

If I thought there was a heaven,
How tempting to close the account.
For there’s little to be cherished
When all appears winding down.

But, when faced with this or nothing,
I stay on the ride – it’s something –
And try to get lost in daily minutiae,
Anything to avoid facing the future.

So I work as much as possible
To help others and leave a legacy.
Rationalize the intolerable
To secure a little peace.

I can think of many changes,
But my life’s ruled by fear.
I know where the blame is,
Any fantasy is preferred to here.
~ Written by Dr. Douglas Young.

Next Page: Sad poems that will make you cry

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