Romantic poems for your Girlfriend

For some reason I believe that my original work gains even more credibility when I attach fictitious names at the end of the poem. That is what I see everywhere on the internet. Enjoy these romantic girlfriend poems.

I still desire your kiss and touch
Even with the passage of time;
I still love and miss you so much.
You are gone and I am alone,
but being true lovers,
I know that soon, you will be home.
~ Roland Hunter
Happy couple in love
My angel, my love, sent from above
Won't you come and be with me,
My Valentine preferably?
I'll be
your boy, fulfill your all,
If you would just give me a call
~ Khalid Brown

We were just kids when we met
They tried to keep us separate
But when we kissed there was no regret
I knew then that you'd be mine
To transcend all space and time
And defy even the sting of death
~ Phillip Potter

I gazed upon your face,
It must have been grace,
I felt so at peace,
Your beauty had calmed my beast,
The contour of your artistic body,
Turned me into a child prodigy,
I will forever be grateful,
That its me who you love,
And that you are never hateful,
One day i'll take you home with me,
And we will romp as man and wife to be.
~ Liam Lindo
As we gazed into the sunset,
I realized I could have no regret,
You love me and I love you,
Nothing else matters but us two,
When I am with you I know no time,
We become one spirit, body and mind.
~Keidre Mario

For all this time, where had you been?
Why am I not your king and are you not my queen?
The moment we met I knew my search was done
By a miracle of sorts, I had found love; and the truest one.
What? An engagement ring on your finger?
Fear not my love, for our destiny will not linger!
Whatever is meant to be will be,
So let us move along; come reign with me.
~Duane Wayne

We belong together
to frolic in the sunshine or rainy weather;
you are awesome in all your splendor,
And I long to feel your love so tender!
You said your love was meek and mild
Let's stir our feelings and go get wild!
~ Kevin Lushness

You are oh so awesome!
The melodies of your voice are like a rose's blossom!
I long to flicker petals over the contour of your face
And poor wine on your beauty's grace
my devouring heart reaches in for a taste.
Oh how I long for the elegance of your embrace!
~ Rolando Smith

Riding the waves like the lions-brave
We've learned over the years
That lovers too at times must misbehave
We should really put on a show
So all in doubt will know
Our bodies work and love in unison
And we are here to declare the reason!
~ Oriel Conundrum

Next Page: Beautiful and dreamy love poems

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