Poems describing good women

1. Enchanting Elizabeth

Brava for the comely lass with brown-green eyes,
That buxom brunette with a ready laugh and such swell smiles,
Brimming with the wit of an irreverent soul,
Brazenly bearing the confidence of the casually bold.

Poems about women
Elizabeth cares not what others may think.
Knowing only this life is
She refuses to blink,
And holds her own reins to take the lead.

When still quite young, she intuited life's a cheat
But chose to celebrate rather than concede defeat.
So she races her horse bareback
While most just plod with the pack.

Though full of zest and eager for fun,
She knows when to rest or do a job well done.
Smart and disciplined, she made A's as well;
Juggling on the high wire, she never fell.
Maturing magnificently
Yet keeping her spontaneity,
She's remained a true friend,
A pink dogwood that wouldn't bend.

And now she blossoms more ebulliently than ever,
Full of responsibility, fun, and oh so clever.
She remains a bright light in an often dark night,

Proving beauty, brains, and strength can still go together!

~ By Douglas Young

2. Marvelous Miss Mayra

She’s exceedingly kind, poised, and pretty,
Effervescent, with a swell smile, and witty,
Ever thoughtful, eager to assist,
And always upbeat, as if sun-kissed.

Sporting such ebullient eyes
That sparkle when she laughs,
They’re like dancing, bright butterflies
Or sunlight on shady paths.

She’s mighty comely but doesn't care;
Without make-up, her smooth skin stays bare.
A beautiful brown caramel colours her frame,
Varnishing a voluptuous figure any girl would claim.

Yet she’s no silly flirt majoring in love,
But serious, strong, and shooting far above,
For she has the will of one who has endured,
Matched with smarts and discipline, for sure.

Knowing the fragility of life
From experiencing so much strife,
She is focused and wise
To see her dreams realized.

Brava that she’s ever cheerful,
Grinning grandly, never tearful.
Her key to happiness
Is making her own bliss.

She’s a fountain of enthusiasm and never coy,
Creating and spreading an abundance of joy.
To see her suddenly enter a room
Is like finding a flower in full bloom.

What a truly tremendous teacher she will be,
Ever capable, upbeat, a role model to see,
Patient yet determined, forgiving yet savvy,
Shrewd but sympathetic, exuding empathy.

She’s the ideal immigrant,
Hard-working, warm, and vibrant,
Gorgeous yet mature beyond her years,
Resplendent, diligent, and showing no fears.

It is a blessing to have taught her,
Hopefully helping along her way;
She set a standard for character
And made me wish she could stay
- Douglas Young

3. Ebullient Becca

She wears the happiest smile I’ve ever seen,
Like a sunflower patch on an old blue jean;
Exuberant, happy, and full of hope,
She shines like colors in a kaleidoscope.

Her whole demeanor is full of zest,
Exuding optimism at its best;
Energetic and effervescent,
To be near her is ever pleasant.

Enhancing her arresting allure,
Miss Becca is a beauty, for sure:
Her big, enchanting eyes frame a face so fair,
Enveloped by the finest frizzy hair found anywhere.

This resplendent Romanian lass
Sports a feline figure at the top of her class,
Turning heads in halls
And diverting shoppers at malls.

Suddenly spotting her is always a treat,
Like sneaking into a premiere and finding a seat; 
And to be blessed by a beaming Becca grin
Is like seeing Christmas lights all over again.

So when this gorgeous gal enters a room,
It’s like finding a flower in full bloom,
And her radiant face and friendly demeanor
Make it such a joy just to greet her.

Her soft voice is melodic and sweet,
Mildly hypnotic, with its own unique beat;
And, when listening, she’s ever intent, 
As if an audience were heaven sent.

Dwarfing even her formidably fine form
Is a gentle persona far above the norm,
Completely kind and considerate,
Never cool nor belligerent.

Making her more impressive still
Is that her upbeat charm is a work of will,
For even Becca has been betrayed,
And many heartbreak bills she has paid.

That anyone would hurt this darling girl
Shows we dwell in a fallen world,
But how inspiring that she still shines bright,
Refusing to even dim her lovely light.

For this fabulous flower has roots that lie deep,
Full of faith, character, and tremendous strength;
Becca’s beautiful blossoms reflect a core of love
Undiminished by hurt and guided from above.

God bless Becca for being an example to us all,
Stubbornly upbeat when it’s mighty easy to fall,
Channeling private pain into public cheer,
Spurning sadness to remain a delightful dear.

So may this lovely, pretty princess find a worthy young prince
As full of love, light, and laughter in every single sense,
Reinforcing her refusal to let life defeat her
And forming an enduring duo to complete her.
- Douglas Young

Next Page: Poems for your girlfriend

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