Free verse poems about life

Note: Free verse poems do not rhyme or have a particular scheme or structure. They are free completely.

I was climbing the rocks by the sea and there was a gust of wind,
those things that I could not fathom. Nature's love and fury.
That wind is something I had felt before with the same force.
They all make me uncomfortable because they loose me.
I find myself in loops of confusion and sometimes cannot figure it out.
Why is there a bonded sequence to things that seem to be free?
~ Charlie Dink
Free verse poems about life
Free verse poems about life
In a little village is where her feet came from,
those dusty feet which knew no bounds or limits.
They just walked in search of love and excitement.
Her mind was far away, yet she could never understand
the true meaning of life or the fact that love can be found anywhere.
~ Reynaldo Ogilvy

Free verse poems about life

My life experiences were bundled in a treasure trove on an island.
I was looking intently if anyone would ever find out about it.
Then came two warriors, the strongest I had ever seen.
They knew no fear and had no bounds to their power.
One of them had to win this and their prize would be the treasure trove.
They fought long and hard and I knew who should win it and be the victor.
Finally the time came for the ultimate battle and then I woke up from my slumber.
~ San Pierce

Stronger than a toughened steel is his back which bears the weight.
He carries sacks from one place to another in exchange for pennies.
Wondering if his life will ever amount to anything with his child lost.
What he will never ever know is that he supplies food in sacks to the kings palace.
The fatherless king had found a child on the streets and adopted him as his own.
The child belonged to...
~ Jolene Aspen

Eternity is what I fight for through temptations and sins.
I fall and rise again and then get tempted to fall.
Is there an end to this virtue less cycle?
Or is this going to be a life time lesson where I learn to obey?
I do not know. What I do know however is that
I am on a journey to eternity and I am not turning.
~ Kip Lu

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