Poems and Quotes about life

I have withstood the tests of time and run out victorious,
things seemed to be hard but I finally conquered them all.
I know what it feels like to loose and fight hard like a warrior,
I have kept patience and persevered, troubles big and small.
Any day or any night I know I could face challenges,
but I could do it all again and win and get up if I fall.
Giving up was never an option for the conquerors.
We fight battles through and win through it all.
~ Vernon Mona
Poems and Quotes about life
Don't underestimate the result of a simple choice. Every little word you speak and every action has a greater significance in life. One choice could change the direction of life forever.
~ Adenauer Mills

Life is a withering leaf without love and happiness,
give without asking anything back and that's kindness.
For many have found good things in the act of giving,
the greatest gift is to teach someone the art of believing.
~ Gillie Han

Every day brings with it several moments and hours that could be used or wasted. You could become the next big thing in an instant. All you need is focus and unshakable belief.
~ Victoria Ben

I don't live for the accolades and worthless praise,
I live for excitement and things that really matter to me.
Understanding that time is an important aspect of life,
I use every bit of it in things that fill me with glee.
Sometimes I make mistakes and hurt myself,
but then I turn up and look at my dreams.
That builds a fire within me that I did not know existed,
Even if I fall, I know that motivation will eventually fix it.
~ Joe Collins

Not every path in life may be straight and not all lights are going to turn green when you drive. But as you learn the art of being flexible, life becomes easier.
~ Aden Vent

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  1. i love poetry,can i join or share?

    1. Totally. Add in your poetry and we will have it published.
