Moving on poems about life


Anger is projected on to someone else
to make them go crazy
Making them lash out then serving time
Not thinking now I can't see my babies
Not knowing if there will be food on the table for them to eat
With one wrong turn your sitting there unabled
For they say we not know what we do
That's a lie be real and speak the truth
We have a mind of our own knowing right from wrong
Just think for a second jail or your freedom

If it matters you don't have to reason
God has created you as men to be strong
To be free to protect your women
For we are not as strong as we may seem
To take the weight off our shoulders
To carry it upon yours
Looking up to you as our lion to protect and to serve
Now women stand in strength
with the men you have babies with
stop with the anger correct your emotions
Men don't think the same don't be afraid to say
I'm scared of being alone compromise and listen
Sick of being labeled as a statistic
No ones perfect so stand strong
we all make mistakes your not alone
If the man leaves all there is to say
Well that's one less mouth to feed at the end of the day
Think of the bigger picture its hard enough to stand
For what we believe in the government is slowly tearing us down sending billions over seas
But we don't see corrections in our own community
For they have answers to our questions
They put on the news
in result there's nothing new
For we still see hunger being advertised
But billion dollar industries are still on the rise
Even actors are receiving 28 million for a role
But in there real life struggling with drug addiction
That's one story told
problems occur everywhere
for they try to hide
then things happen like amber alerts
or a man taken a women's pride
people are mentally sick but there's no treatment for the poor
so we walk among the helpless seeing them hurt just once more
If this isn't a careless way of protection
I don't know what is
we have to correct us
before anything gets better
Its like a seed that grows into a tree
it takes sunlight and water
to turn it into what it is meant to be
Without nurturing of ones touch
and protection we will stand alone confused and unprotected.
~ Tammara Ballentine


The body talks, perhaps
a nervous tick, an utterance
of the hands, the tilt of a head,
or listless shuffle of the feet.
Movement speaks.

It’s all a language, skin deep
just below the surface.  The eyebrow
raises, the eyes flash red,
and despite the silence,
a meaning is usually clear.

I always try to look straight
into the eyes, rarely do they lie,
and never waggle like a tongue.
It’s all a matter of preference, and
our choice of what to understand.
~ R.D. McManes

“The crows”

Our woods are infested
they mingle at dawn
tilted winged forays
all through the trees
slide and glide
in and out of each other
swifter than a swift,
their voices boisterous
before settling
in their favorite trees,
returning to the scene
year after year
just like all the reruns
on network TV.
~ R.D. McManes

“newly made”
Life is an extended metaphor
bursting at the cosmic seams
artificial threads stretch
tug at the fabric of being
rarely do they break

we are not cut
from the same cloth
i am 50% cotton blend
hand woven
you are polyester
made by a machine
~ R.D. McManes

“egg noggin”

it’s all in
the words, fragments
of sentences,
slurred and blurred
snatched from thin air
and hatched
from a hair topped egg
referred to in some circles
as gray matter
but why does gray really matter
and to who
it’s not my favorite color
i like blue
~ R.D. McManes

Look, there goes a poem
wearing nothing except
a pair of red sneakers
and mirrored sunglasses
shoosh it goes
around the corner
and left me wanting
to read another line
~ R.D. Mc Manes

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