Christian Poems

Here is a compilation of christian poems about blessings, obedience, children and voting.

Free Blessings And Earthly Wealth
Blessings can only be activated by your sincere obedience
Remember we are God’s creation
Live by His rules and you’ll benefit even more
The gift and talent bestowed upon us before our Holy birth
Is far superior to all the
education the world can empower

Because this comes from a far superior being
When we engage our God-given gifts we secure untold happiness
Life’s problems will become less complicated
You will be driven by God
Who will eliminate all the problems for you
And you will be elevated to another level
To become a master of your destiny

Problems should not be your worry they’re from this earth
You may take your life and carefully preserve it from waste
But you shall have no reward no honor from it at last
But if you empty it out in loving service
You shall make it a lasting blessing to this world
True wealth and heavenly treasure is secured when doing his work
Co-ordination co-operation commendation and communication
All four are required to be a successful when engaging
Pray that your hands be strengthened and your gifts might prosper
You cannot expect God’s blessing without being obedient to him
Eternal vigilance is the price to freedom
A much greater treasure is the childhood in God

Christian Poems about Life

Voting To Lose Your Soul

Shall I cast my precious vote
Will it enjoy Godly support
Can I be confident
Or will I lose my heavenly place
The Lord said protect what’s mine
The constitution does not uphold God’s laws
How can it be spiritually friendly
When the evil doers are protected
Whatever God abhors
I must implement to be trustworthy
Should my vote endorse what is immoral
I can kiss eternity goodbye forever

Shall I cast my precious vote
Will I lose my Godly protection
I cannot co-sign to protect the wicked
Whom God abhors in the highest degree
I must enforce or I won’t be immortalized
Should I disagree Heaven will elude
Damnation concealed in the fine print
It will curtail my soul salvation
This is not in natural hands
But in the hands of the Omnipotent
If I sanction that which is wicked
My vote will condemn me eternally
~ Anthony Villett

Ps: Many countries allow persons of the same sexes to marry legally. Evildoers like prostitutes are protected by laws that are additionally engraved in their constitutions. This gave birth to this poem. God will never stand for this. This has made voting extremely dangerous for Christians who do not understand their faith, or the implication their ‘innocent’ vote has for them on a spiritual level.

Christian Poems

Bless Your Children Before Passing
Never neglect to bless your children during your earthly existence
This must be executed under the loving guidance of the Holy Spirit
You could also write down each of your wishes in advance
When taken away suddenly a minister can enforce your wishes
If you have not existed who would have taken the liberty to bless them
Your blessing must emanate from the bottom of a sincere heart
This is ultimately what you would desire during their earthly stay
Your eternal father is rich he offers the wealth of the world in your hands
Your blessing must be unconstrained and should know no boundaries
Your father has an endless abundance of wealth for them all
Your wishes prophetically uttered will never be in vain
Not a task of a stranger their birth given right is in your hands.

Next Page: Poems about love and life

1 comment:

  1. A beautiful poem on God given talents and how to use them.
